Wynnet Ree

Wynnet Ree was a human female who was the daughter of the First Wavers Paron and Verine Ree. Born on the planet Jelucan in 19 BBY, she died only a few hours after she was born. Her twin sister, Ciena Ree, wore a leather bracelet, a symbol of the bond between them. Ciena never took the bracelet off under any circumstances. Ciena would recite the phrase "Look through my eyes" during important or beautiful moments of her life as a way to share her life with Wynnet, invoking her sister's memory and reminding herself that she lived her life for both of them.

When Ciena joined the Galactic Empire, she was required to take her bracelet off. As a means of staying connected to Wynnet, she placed the bracelet in a cloth pouch and kept it in her pocket throughout her service. Shortly after the destruction of the Death Star in 0 BBY, Ciena realized that she had not asked Wynnet to look through her eyes in a long time, and vowed to do so more often. Following the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Ciena was grievously wounded, and when she awoke from surgery, she found that the bracelet was destroyed after it had been deemed non-regulation. Ciena was devastated, having lost her sister's window into her world.

Behind the scenes

Wynnet Ree was first mentioned in Lost Stars, a young adult novel written by Claudia Gray and published in 2015 as part of Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens.


  • Star Wars: Women of the Galaxy









