Wookieepedia Help:HotCat

HotCat is a tool used to update interlanguage links across Wookieepedia and its interlanguage Star Wars sister wikis. It was originally a bot account maintained by Jedipedia.net, but it has since been converted into a user script on Wookieepedia. The code of HotCat is written in JavaScript, with a bit of CSS and JSON.


To enable HotCat, go to your preferences. The "Gadgets" tab allows you to activate HotCat among many other tools. After saving your preferences, you may need to .

You can also load HotCat by pasting the contents of this page into your personal JavaScript page, but in this case you need to make sure that you have enabled personal JavaScript in the "Appearance" tab in your preferences. Then, you need to copy the content from here into your personal CSS page.

If for some reason you try to edit Wookieepeia's interlanguage section manually using "Edit" button, you are highly advised to use "Source editor" or "VisualEditor - source mode" in your "Editing" tab in preferences, rather than the default VisualEditor. This ensures no page code is broken.

Using HotCat

HotCat is launched by clicking the button in the bottom right corner of the category box toward the bottom of a page.

When HotCat opens, you will see a list of connected articles from other wikis and a little window with page's name inside as default. Replace that name with the title of the current article in your language. Then choose the proper language code (if you do not know your language's code, you can find it here) and click "Add". HotCat might then show you that certain wikis do not have a link to your article. By clicking √, you can add a link from these pages. You can skip this part or remove existing links by clicking X. When all links have been corrected, you will see the message "HotCat didn't find anything to change.", after which you can click the "Save" button. Please do not close your window until all changes are finished—if you close it before, the change will not be done. If you want to see your change, just as you would click "diff" in recent changes, use "Diff" link next to the proper language.

If you see that the article is already connected with a page from your wiki, but the connection is wrong (for example because of the same name), you can use ± button, which allows to modify a link. When you "Apply" it, you still need to update the links on other wikis with √ button.

HotCat also automatically finds redirects and non-existent articles. It notifies you about each of them and allows you to correct all of them. However, if it finds that all other wikis are connected with a non-existent article, please check that page. It might have been just renamed without leaving a redirect. In this case you are kindly asked to update that link too to ensure that the interwiki connection is not lost.

Please also remember to be careful while editing Canon/Legends pages which have Legends/Canon equivalents. If you notice a Legends page with a Canon interwiki link (or vice versa), please update the links.

Note for users from non-Fandom wikis

Using HotCat allows you to add links on Wookieepedia to wikis that are connected in the Interlang template. Hotcat only edits Fandom wikis. With the external sites—German Jedipedia.net, Polish Ossus.pl and Finnish Jedipedia—it looks a bit different. Although it allows you to add a link to them in the Wookieepedia article and other wikis on Fandom, edit the link or remove it, the script will not recognize if the link is a redirect or a non-existent page. Also, none of the mentioned wiki will have their articles edited by the script.
