
Whrr was a librarian droid with masculine programming that worked during 22 BBY in a small library branch on Tipoca City, located on the planet of Kamino. Young Boba Fett frequently visited the library branch because his bounty hunter father was on Kamino due to his occupation as the prime clone for the Galactic Republic's new clone army, produced by the Kaminoan cloners.

Before Fett left Kamino with his father after the Jedi tracked Jango Fett there due to his association with the assassination attempts on Senator Padmé Amidala's life, Boba Fett traded in his latest batch of books from the library to the droid, and inadvertently gave Whrr a holobook containing advice from his father. Upon returning to Kamino to fetch the book after his father's death, Whrr gave the holobook back to Fett, along with 250 for keeping a book that did not belong to the branch.


Whrr worked in a small library branch in Tipoca City on the planet Kamino, during 22 BBY. The branch had a bell to ring and a slot in the doorway, through which books and hologames could be passed, and due to the use of that slot, Whrr was never seen by the users of the library. Whrr became friends with the young Boba Fett, and encouraged him to read while at the same time dissuading him from hologames. The young boy was staying with his father Jango Fett, who held the position of the prime clone for the clone troopers of the Galactic Republic's new army, produced by the natives of Kamino. Boba Fett came to the library regularly, and once did so after trying to free one of five sea mice his father had him feed to Jango's sea eel while the latter was on a mission to Coruscant, only to have the freed sea-mouse eaten instantly. Whrr consoled the young Fett before complimenting the boy on his improved reading skills and passing new books for Fett to read through the slot.

However, Jango's mission soon caught up to him and his son. Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Master, discovered the existence of Kamino, whose coordinates had been erased from the Jedi Archives' memory, and also discovered Jango Fett, who the Jedi suspected as the culprit to the mission. Jango Fett decided they should leave Kamino to avoid Jedi scrutiny, and Boba had only a few minutes to return the latest batch of library books to Whrr lest he be charged for overdue books. Boba hurriedly shoved the books through the slot, and as he did, a black holobook containing advice was sent through with it. Whrr noticed that book, and tried to tell Boba, but the young boy was in too much of a hurry to get back to his father, and left without the book.

Boba Fett later returned to Kamino in search of the book, as it contained important information from his father, who had perished shortly after leaving Kamino on the planet Geonosis at the hands of another Jedi, Mace Windu, leaving Boba Fett an orphan. Boba Fett was desperate for the information left for him by his father, and soon was at the then closed library branch, calling for Whrr to help him. Whrr made an awning slide out to protect Fett from the rain that typically fell on Kamino, and proceeded to listen to Fett's account of the events leading to his return to Whrr, including the fact that Fett was now an orphan. Fett asked for his holobook, which Whrr gave to him, along with a 250 fee for keeping one of Fett's books after realizing the young boy had no money to survive on his own. Whrr bade farewell to him, and, as Fett left, made a snuffling sound close to crying.


A librarian droid with masculine programming, Whrr was classified as a third-degree droid because he provided services to the community. Whrr made whirring and clicking sounds as he performed tasks inside the library branch. He also could make a snuffling noise close to crying, and had a change-the-subject noise.

Whrr became the young Boba Fett's friend due to his visits to Whrr's branch, and the friendship extended far enough to let Fett tell Whrr his problems. When Fett left for the last time, Whrr made a snuffling sound close to crying. As a librarian, Whrr disapproved of hologames, instead urging Fett to find the pictures and images in the books, not the hologames. Whrr monitored Fett's reading level as the young boy regularly took books from the library.

One of the reasons Whrr stayed inside the library branch was that he was not certain about things, such as life being hard on the small and weak. He also lacked a sense of humor, and was offended when Fett told him if Whrr would have his way, everybody would read books. Whrr was also observant, and noticed quickly when Fett accidentally gave Whrr the holobook along with his other due books. Whrr was also good at understanding Fett's problems, and understood immediately that Fett was in trouble when Fett told him the events that led up to him being orphaned. Whrr was concerned, and though under the guise of a fee, helped Fett out as best he could with 250.

Behind the scenes

Whrr first appeared in the novel Boba Fett: The Fight to Survive, written by Terry Bisson and released on April 23, 2002. Due to the fact that the book is written from Boba Fett's point of view, he does not see Whrr, only talking to him through the slot. After hearing the clicking and whirring sounds Whrr made, Fett figures that Whrr was a droid. This article is written based on the assumption that Fett's figuring is right.



