White Book

The White Book was a field guide produced by Alliance High Command and used by members of the Alliance to Restore the Republic's military forces. The book detailed the four phases of Alliance soldier training and set rules that Rebels were supposed to follow. For example, the guide prohibited nearly all possession of intoxicants. The first two phases of training were the same for all recruits, the third being different depending on whether the trainee would be joining space or ground combat, and the final being only for Rebel Alliance Special Forces. When giving his training speech to nineteen recruits from the planet Haidoral Prime, First Sergeant Hazram Namir asked the recruit Roach if she had read the book, and when she claimed she had, he told her she had wasted her time, as it was written by Generals who acted as though they were running a government, not a rebellion. After the establishment of the New Republic, Chass na Chadic noted that the guide was seen as a joke by some rebels and an insulting attempt to impose Imperial order on the Rebellion by others.

The New Republic eventually attempted to apply its own standards more rigorously than the White Book was applied.

The White Book was first mentioned in Battlefront: Twilight Company, a novel written by Alexander Freed and released in 2015.

Behind the scenes

The White Book was first mentioned in Battlefront: Twilight Company, a novel written by Alexander Freed and released in 2015.












