Whirry Malreaux

When the Separatist leader, Count Dooku of Serenno came to Vjun, he took over Lady Malreaux's mansion, Whirry was reduced to a mere house keeper. She anxiously awaited the return of her son while serving Dooku. She secretly consulted with Fidelis to lead Whie home, but when Dooku found out his housekeeper was contacting the party he was trying to trap and destroy, he ordered Whirry to tell Fidelis to lead them into Asajj Ventress.

When Whirry met her son for the first time in years, all she saw was a stranger. Unable to cope with the "loss" of her baby, she left him to return to the Jedi Order and possibly committed suicide.

She was often followed by her familiar, the Vjun fox she had named Miss Vix.

Yoda: Dark Rendezvous heavily implies that Whirry dies soon after her encounter with Whie.

Behind the scenes

Yoda: Dark Rendezvous heavily implies that Whirry dies soon after her encounter with Whie.



