Wet Bub

Wet Bub was a Gungan male slicer who worked for the marauder organization known as the Nihil during the High Republic Era. Bub served as a Storm under the Weequay Tempest Runner Kassav Milliko. He was a vicious killer, having earned the name "Wet Bub" after having repeatedly returned from Nihil raids while soaked head-to-toe in other beings' blood. The Gungan fought with Milliko's Tempest in several engagements in 232 BBY, including an extortion attempt of the planet Eriadu during the world's struggle with an of hyperspace debris from the Great Hyperspace Disaster. The job was botched, however, painting a target on the backs of Milliko and his crew. Later, at the Battle of Kur, the Tempest was cornered by a joint task force of Galactic Republic and Jedi forces, as well as a flotilla of Eriaduan cruisers. Although the Nihil employed a devastating array of cruel tactics at the battle, they were ultimately routed by the Republic forces. Wet Bub was one of the last survivors aboard Milliko's flagship, the New Elite, when it was boarded by Eriaduan soldiers, who killed all aboard.

A Gungan male, Wet Bub was a highly competent slicer. Despite his consistent streak of losses against Kassav Milliko at arm wrestling, Bub never gave up; a trait his Tempest Runner respected.

Personality and traits

A Gungan male, Wet Bub was a highly competent slicer. Despite his consistent streak of losses against Kassav Milliko at arm wrestling, Bub never gave up; a trait his Tempest Runner respected.












