Weir's aide

Weir's aide was a Human male who served as an aide to General Weir.

Weir's aide was an Imperial officer who served Storm Commando General Weir as an aide in 4 ABY. When, after the Death Star II's destruction, Weir launched a terror attack on Coronet City, Corellia to remind the populace of the Empire's control, his aide was with him. Wedge Antilles captured the aide, who explained the purpose of the attack. Antilles and his companions abandoned the aide to pursue Weir, who departed after feeling his mission was complete, leaving the aide behind.


Weir's aide was an Imperial officer who served Storm Commando General Weir as an aide in 4 ABY. When, after the Death Star II's destruction, Weir launched a terror attack on Coronet City, Corellia to remind the populace of the Empire's control, his aide was with him. Wedge Antilles captured the aide, who explained the purpose of the attack. Antilles and his companions abandoned the aide to pursue Weir, who departed after feeling his mission was complete, leaving the aide behind.



