Wayfar Cantina


Inside the smoke-filled cantina.

Inside the smoke-filled cantina.

The cantina was the largest building and the center of the small town. It had two entrances, one in the front and one in the back. The cantina consisted of a large room with a long, U-shaped bar counter in the middle of the room where a bartender sold beverages. Six large booths along the walls provided tables and chairs where people could sit down, drink and listen to the music. A door behind the bar led to a small back room that wasn't in use as of 1 ABY. In another room in the back of the cantina, several gambling machines were installed, including Lugjack and Jubilee Wheel.

Among the beverages available at the bar were , Ardees, Tatooine Sunburn, , milk and imported Utozz.


The back room.

The back room.

At least one bartender worked in this cantina. Among the beings who visited this cantina regularly after the Battle of Yavin were Jabba the Hutt's lieutenant Yondalla, the Twi'lek Stanic Wavingstar and Walda.

In 1 ABY, a spacer recruited by one of the minions of Jabba the Hutt, the Trandoshan bounty hunter Bossk, rescued Stanic Wavingstar, one of Jabba's informants, from a Black Sun assassin in front of the cantina.

Behind the scenes

This cantina is a location in Sony Online Entertainment's MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies. The developers used the building model that was also used for most other cantinas in the game. Like all cantinas in the game, it features a bartender that sells a small selection of drinks as well as various Non-Player Characters (NPCs) of random gender, appearance and profession. There are also three NPCs that offer small quests or are involved in other quests.

The cantina also provides a place for players of the entertainer profession to perform their music and dancing acts and give out buffs.







