
Lieutenant Watts was a male Human from Corulag and an officer who served as an AT-ST gunner in the Imperial Army. He was a crack shot, as his gunnery skills were able to produce "devastating results."


Prior to 4 ABY, Watts, a member of the Imperial Army, was temporarily assigned to the Kuat Drive Yards to help develop All Terrain Scout Transport weaponry.

Chewbacca tosses Watts overboard

Chewbacca tosses Watts overboard

Eventually, by 4 ABY, Watts joined Tempest Force and served under Major Marquand as the gunner of Tempest Scout 2 during the Battle of Endor. When Chewbacca and two Ewoks landed on Tempest Scout 2, Marquand ordered Watts to get the only Ewok he was aware of off their AT-ST. Watts peered out of the cockpit hatchway and was pulled out by the powerful Chewbacca, who threw him overboard, screaming during most of his 8.6-meter plummet to the ground which resulted in his death. The Imperials, not knowing about his demise, later believed that Watts, alongside Marquand, had turned traitor when it became apparent that their walker was committing turncoat actions against them.

Behind the scenes

Watts was played by his namesake, Return of the Jedi co-producer Robert Watts. Watts served in real-world armed forces, during which he obtained the rank of lieutenant. The character was originally supposed to be General Maximilian Veers, and Julian Glover was invited to reprise his role from Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back. However, due to scheduling conflicts, Glover wasn't available on the day of filming, and Watts took over the part.


  • Star Wars: Behind the Magic






