
Wanuri was a Falleen male who worked as an employment officer for the Blackwater Systems corporation on the planet Falleen.

In 24 BBY, Wanuri assisted Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan Anakin Skywalker in obtaining employment at Blackwater Systems as janitors so that they could investigate the facility for signs of the Zone of Self-Containment drug and the criminal Granta Omega. Wanuri provided critical information to the Jedi on how to avoid security so that they would not be caught during their investigation.

Wanuri featured in the 2004 young adult novel Jedi Quest: The False Peace, the ninth volume in the Jedi Quest series written by Jude Watson.

Behind the scenes

Wanuri featured in the 2004 young adult novel Jedi Quest: The False Peace, the ninth volume in the Jedi Quest series written by Jude Watson.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia



