
Sky-walker suite dispute

On the Tomra, Vorlip got into an argument with Mafole—a Chiss caregiver—about the exclusion of a Chiss sky-walker suite. When the argument subsided, Mafole would not see Vorlip again until they reached the planet of Naporar.

Conversation with Cadet Thrawn

While Vorlip was walking the halls of the Tomra, she ran into the then Cadet Mitth'raw'nuru talking to Sky-walker Al'iastov. Vorlip approached the two, making sure to announce that Thrawn was not allowed in the current hallway he was in. Thrawn stated that he simply wanted to get a feel of the ship. To test how far Thrawn came in his endeavor, Vorlip spun Thrawn around with his eyes shut to see if he could point to the Tomra's bow. When Thrawn did so, Vorlip was impressed. It had taken her fifteen voyages in four different ships to be that aware.

Breaking the news to Al'iastov

After the conversation with Cadet Mitth'raw'nuru, Al'iastov was left wondering what would happen to her after she retired from being a sky-walker. She brung up the question to Vorlip, in which Vorlip responded Al'iastov would be adopted into one of the Nine Ruling Families as an honor for serving the Chiss Ascendancy. However, when talking about the sky-walker's future, Vorlip accidentally stated that Al'iastov was a former sky-walker; being the first to tell Al'iastov that she would no longer be serving in the Chiss Defense Force. Upon reaching Naporar, she, along with Al'iastov and Mafole, would fill out some forms relating to the end of Al'iastov's sky-walker tenure.

Behind the scenes

Vorlip appeared in the novel Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising by Timothy Zahn which released on September 1, 2020.






