Vivert Stag

Vivert Stag was a Jedi Initiate whose clan was scheduled to build their lightsabers on the planet Ilum as part of the the Gathering shortly after the start of the Clone Wars in 22 BBY. Excited to create her weapon, Stag initially walked through the Jedi Temple on the planet Coruscant with her friend, fellow Initiate Mill Alibeth, as the clan headed to begin their journey to Ilum, but eventually left her friend to join the other excited clan members while Alibeth lagged behind.

Stag and the other clan members bantered about fighting with the lightsabers they would build, causing Alibeth to collapse and become nauseas. Stag then returned to Alibeth to check if her friend was ok, but the other Initiate was sent to the temple infimiry rather than accompanying Stag and the rest of the clan to Ilum. Stag and Alibeth survived the Galactic Republic turning on the Jedi Order in 19 BBY, and by the First Order-Resistance War, the pair were working as bounty hunters.

An impatient Initiate

Vivert Stag was a Force-sensitive individual that became a member of the Jedi Order as a child, becoming a Jedi Initiate at the Jedi Temple on the planet Coruscant. She was placed in an Initiate Clan with eight other younglings, including the Zabrak Mill Alibeth, with whom she became friends. In 22 BBY, shortly after the outbreak of the Clone Wars, the clan spent weeks discussing how they wanted to construct their lightsabers in the lead up to the day that they would participate in the Gathering, when they would travel on the Jedi starship Crucible to the planet Ilum to build the weapons.

The day before the clan's Gathering, a bombing occurred on the planet Cato Neimoidia, becoming the main focus of most adults in the temple and causing the usual training sessions to be cancelled. The next morning, all of the group bar Alibeth jumped out of bed and ate their breakfast quickly, with Stag telling her friend over breakfast that the adult Jedi were being sent all over to calm people down after the bombing as many star systems feared that they would be next. The protocol droid M-3M4 was given a fill-in assignment to watch over the clan, but as the younglings knew that the droid normally handled adult visitors to the temple, they tricked the droid before it could even introduce itself. Unbothered by the war, the rest of the clan sprinted down the corridors of the temple to reach the transport shuttle that would take them to Ilum quickly leaving behind M-3M4, Stag, and Alibeth, whose connection to the Force meant she was deeply effect by the violence of the war and felt sick.

Giddy for the Gathering

Stag initially trailed behind with Alibeth and yelled for her to hurry, but as Alibeth tried and failed to keep up, her friend eventually pulled ahead and left Alibeth to join the others, lingering long enough to give the Zabrak a look that repeated her request to hurry. Chanting "Gathering" over and over, Stag and the others then reached the landing pad and the turbolift to the platform, where the Initiate Ami-Kat-Ayama declared that her lightsaber would be a staff that she could twirl around to cut down an entire line of battle droids. Stag then mocked her, claiming the droids would simply shoot Ami-Kat-Ayama as she was too slow to block more than one of their shots. As Stag then twirled an imaginary lightsaber in her hand, fellow initiate Felix Yabir taunted her in an alien language, but she responded that she would deflect blaster bolts into his face.

The violent themes of the clan's banter caused Alibeth, who was already nauseas after seeing footage from Cato Neimodia on the way to the landing pad, to collapse and vomit. Stag moved back to her friend's side and placed her hand on the Zabrak's back, asking if Alibeth was alright. The other Initiate forced a smile to try and convince Stag that she was, but Padawan Malera Quinn, who was assigned to take the clan to Ilum, then had M-3M4 take Alibeth to the infirmary rather then joining her classmates in the Gathering.

Bounty hunter, survivor, friend

At the end of the Clone Wars in 19 BBY, the Jedi Order were declared traitors by the Galactic Republic and either killed or forced to go into hiding; however, Stag survived and was working with Alibeth as a bounty hunter by the time of the First Order-Resistance War decades later. The pair had a friendly relationship with fellow hunter Mwarr Ja'Randa, competing with each other to see who could acquire more targets. On Life Day after the Battle of Crait, Ja'Randa captured not only the Jedi Rey but also the Wookiees Chewbacca and Lumpawaroo on Kashyyyk, planning to turn them over to the First Order's Supreme Leader Kylo Ren. Ja'Randa hoped that news of her three acquisitions would make Vivert and Mill jealous, but her prisoners escaped before she was able to complete her mission.

Personality and traits

Vivert Stag was excited to build her lightsaber during the Gathering, bantering about how she would fight with the weapon with her class mates. She seemed unbothered by the violence of the Clone Wars to her friend Mill Alibeth, whom Stag initially walked with on the way to the landing pad. Eventually she left her trailing friend behind to catch up with her other excited classmates, but returned when Alibeth collapsed to make sure her friend was alright. Stag had curly hair and pale cheeks.

Behind the scenes

Vivert Stag was created by author Mike Chen for his 2022 novel, Brotherhood. Stag and Alibeth were then mentioned by first name only in the comic book Hyperspace Stories 4 by Amanda Deibert, which was released on March 1, 2023.

After Chen publicly noted the connection via his Twitter account, Deibert confirmed that the mentioned bounty hunters were intended to be the same characters from Brotherhood. While just headcanon until used in an official source, Chen believes that Stag and Alibeth are not actually working as bounty hunters, instead merely using it as a cover to help the innocent, which Deibert enjoyed upon reading.









