Viscount (Galactic Empire)

The Viscount was a Star Destroyer in use by the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War. Participating in the Pacification of Salline sometime in between 2 and 0 BBY, the Viscount released dropships down to the planet, carrying the AT-ATs Hammer six and eight, as well as four AT-STs. When the rebels attempted to escape from the Imperial forces at the government center on the water, Colonel Maximilian Veers ordered the Viscount to send a flight of TIE fighters to intercept and eradicate them. The TIEs being successful, the battle was won for the Empire. Veers later mentioned the Viscount during a report on the battle, which was included in the Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide.


  • Star Wars: Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide
