Viiveenn's doll

A doll was created by the Wookiee Brewhada for Rotta, and later owned by Viiveenn during the Clone Wars. During a mission to the moon of Staggec, her father Yarua hid a Jedi artifact in the doll to keep it out of Separatist hands. Although Viiveenn and Yarua were captured, Yarua sacrificed himself to save his daughter, and the Jedi brought Viiveenn and her doll to her family on Kashyyyk. Later that year, the doll was found by a young Gungan on Naboo. Asajj Ventress had been tasked to track down the artifact, however refused to take the doll as an act of insolence against Count Dooku. It was then recovered and Viiveenn brought it to an archaeological dig. The doll was later lost during an attack and was found by clone commando "Wrecker." Clone Force 99 brought it on a mission to Hylanth, where it was lost and recovered by the shopkeeper Halorum, who kept it aboard her ship.

During the Imperial Era, Viiveen hired the bounty hunter Boba Fett to find the doll. The doll was bought from Halorum and given to the girl Tobie, who lost it during the Galactic Civil War, and the engineer Evans Basch found it. Basch kept it aboard the YT-1300 light freighter Millennium Falcon during the Battle of Endor, later the artifact was discovered by the Alliance to Restore the Republic while the doll was given to displaced children. During the Rise of the First Order, the doll was in possession of a family on Karaxis, which was discovered by Kylo Ren. During the First Order-Resistance War, Viiveenn's doll was on a train on the planet Kamil, and was used as a weapon against stormtroopers by the Resistance soldier Finn. Upon his return to the Resistance, Finn gave the doll to his friend Rey, who returned it to Viiveen.


In an attempt to make up for an earlier failure, the bounty hunter Greedo brought the Wookiee Brewhada before Jabba the Hutt, believing him to be a fugitive the crime lord was seeking. Jabba, having already dealt with the real fugitive, was surprised and outraged to learn that Brewhada was nothing but a toymaker. Greedo took advantage of the situation, claiming that the Wookiee craftsman would create a toy of high quality for Jabba's infant son, Rotta. Jabba, pleased at this turn of events, spared Greedo and decided Brewhada would remain in his service indefinitely. Under Jabba's employ, Brewhada fulfilled the assignment he'd been given, leading to the creation of the doll. The toy came into the possession of Yarua.

A Grievous loss

Yarua later accompanied senator Padmé Amidala and her protocol droid C-3PO to the Moon of Staggec, where a delegation had offered an item of value, a Jedi artifact mapping ancient Jedi locations Yarua recovered from an archaeological dig site, in exchange for an alliance with the Galactic Republic. The arrival of Separatist naval forces marked the presence of a trap, causing Yaura to rip open the doll's stitching and conceal the artifact within, entrusting it to his daughter, Viiveenn. As Viiveenn would recall many years later, this would be the last thing her father ever gave to her.

Yaura was subsequently captured by forces belonging to General Grievous and brought before the military commander, who began to make demands of the Wookiee, claiming the diplomat knew what he desired. A rescue attempt by Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi started a fight in which Grievous took Viiveenn hostage, the doll in hand. Yaura threw himself in front of Grievous, sacrificing himself to buy time to get Viiveenn—and the doll—to safety. Kenobi, Amidala and Kenobi's Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, later pondered what item of importance could have sent Grievous after Yaura in the first place, unaware of the artifact as Viiveenn clutched the doll to her chest beside them, as they arranged for her to return to Kashyyyk.

Wishing to prove her worth to Count Dooku, Sith assassin Asajj Ventress sought the Jedi artifact hidden within Viiveenn's doll. Through the Force, Ventress was drawn to the Outer Rim Moon of Staggec, where she was ambushed, and then to the Mid Rim world of Naboo, where she found both the artifact and the doll in the possession of a Gungan, who had found it. Attempting to steal the toy, Ventress was intercepted and attacked by Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. Ventress later tracked down the Gungan in possession of the doll and artifact, threatening the individual's life before deciding to leave the items behind upon realizing Dooku did not value her life. Viiveenn later managed to reclaim the doll.


Viiveenn lost the doll during an attack on a Republic fleet, and it was discovered by the clone commando "Wrecker," who expressed interest in keeping it. He brought the doll with Clone Force 99 on a mission to Hylanth to investigate Doctor Krail; however, Wrecker lost the doll in a fight with a modified battle droid. It was then recovered by the shopkeeper Halorum.

Later in the Clone Wars, Halorum kept the doll on her ship. During a mission to Bavana, Jedi Master Quinlan Vos sensed the doll's history and importance, but Halorum demanded that Vos leave the doll.

Age of the Empire

While on a mission to the planet Banas, Leia Organa found the doll in Halorum's shop Lost and Found and remarked that she had a similar doll once. She later gave it to the child Tobie.

Sometime during the Imperial Era, Viiveenn met with the bounty hunter Boba Fett on the planet Ridley and requested that he track down the doll on her behalf. While initially against accepting a job from a child—one to recover a lost toy at that—Fett was moved when Viiveenn elaborated on the item's ties to her late father. Fett agreed to the request, though made clear that he was unable to promise results, as tracking an object was not the same as tracking a person.

After a skirmish with Trandoshan mercenaries led by a rival bounty hunter, Bossk, Fett brought Viiveenn to Coruscant. Fett refused to take Viiveenn's credits, as he had not completed the job he had been assigned, but encouraged her to continue her search for the item given its meaningful history.

Adventures with Evans Basch

During the Galactic Civil War Tobie and the doll were later aboard the rebel refugee vessel Dorlanna, who had to evacuate after an Imperial attack. The engineer Evans Basch helped Tobie into an escape pod, however Tobie lost the doll so Basch promised to get it back to her. In the aftermath, Basch was unable to locate Tobie, and resolved to find a new owner for the doll.

Basch returned to the Alliance, where they were preparing for the Battle of Endor, and he was assigned to the crew of the YT-1300 light freighter Millennium Falcon. Considering the doll a good luck charm, he hung it up in the Falcon. Some of the crew found it childish, but he thought it was important. Despite the odds, the Rebellion succeeded in destroying the second Death Star. Basch and the crew landed for repairs and celebrated their victory.

Later Basch showed the doll to Leia Organa and the other rebels, who discovered the Jedi artifact inside. C-3PO and Luke Skywalker recognized it as a map to Jedi sites, and were encouraged by the opportunity to recover Jedi knowledge. They recognized the journey the doll had been on, and Organa decided to donate it to displaced children living in the Alliance Fleet.

Resistance and Reunion

During the Rise of the First Order, the doll was on the planet Karaxis in possession of the family of Kelvin Mann, an influential citizen. During an invasion of Karaxis lead by the First Order, Kylo Ren captured Mann. Ren recognized the artifact inside Viiveenn's doll was powerful in the Force, but was unaware of the source. Supreme Leader Snoke later informed Ren that objects could be powerful in the Force. Viiveenn's doll later made its way to the planet Kamil, where it was recovered by Finn, a Resistance agent. Finn later gave it to his friend Rey, who then returned the doll to Viiveenn on Kashyyyk following a skirmish on Life Day.

Behind the scenes

Every released issue of Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories features the doll in some form. Hyperspace Stories 2 features the doll, but it is mistakenly drawn differently than its other appearances. Writer Cecil Castellucci nevertheless confirmed this doll was meant to be Viiveenn's. Viiveenn's doll is featured only on the cover only of Hyperspace Stories 11. However, the issue ties into the overall story by revealing how Yarua got his hands on a Jedi artifact he would later hide in Viiveenn's doll.





































