
Veijel was a male Human Sith Lord of the reconstituted Sith Empire living during the Galactic War.


A member of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge, he followed Darth Arctis, who around 3667 BBY sent Veijel on an assignment to Rishi to watch and observe the Rishi Maze. Veijel spend the next thirty years on Rishi, during which Arctis was replaced by Darth Thanaton, who was in turn replaced by Darth Nox. Arctis and Thanaton believed the Rishi Maze to hold the key to immortality, which Veijel doubted, though he was still provided significant resources.

Veijel's decades on Rishi were not in vain, as he was able to receive signals from the dwarf galaxy. The messages were in an ancient language that contained words of Sith, Gree and Rakata languages and described instructions on improving the communication arrays that Veijel used. The machines were now able to increase the lifespan of an individual "twice transmuted and reborn to the Mother". The latest Dark Councillor of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge Darth Nox fit that description and Veijel began seeking an audience, refusing to speak of it to anyone else.

However, many others did the same, resulting in Veijel having to wait from Nox's ascension until 3637 BBY, when Nox arrived on Rishi. Veijel finally arranged a meeting through Moff Valion Pyron and presented the Dark Lord, who was accompanied by Talos Drellik, his findings. When Nox interacted with the machine build from alien design, the machine provided cellular rejuvenation, increasing the Dark Lord's lifespan by one solar cycle. Veijel was overjoyed to hear of the results and asked his master for additional resources: scientists to replicate the machines, battalions to pacify Rishi and fleets to explore the Rishi Maze. Though Talos advised against it, citing Darth Zash's downfall and fading into obscurity as an example of Sith being brought to ruin by the search for immortality, Nox agreed to grant Veijel anything that he required.

Behind the scenes

Veijel appears in Star Wars: The Old Republic: Shadow of Revan during the Sith Inquisitor class quest on Rishi. Talos Drellik will advise against the hunt for immortality. Players may either choose to assure him they are not Zash and will be wary, or to angrily reprimand him. Although it is presumed that Nox took the Dark Side option and gave Veijel all the resources he requested, the Dark Lord also has the option to listen to Drellik's advice and ordering him to stop his research. They can then order him to either remove any more arcane experiments for Light Side points or to keep their current operations on hold, so they may be called upon in a less trying time for Dark Side points.



