Varna (Andraven)

Varna was a wellagrin trainer on the planet Andraven. In 232 BBY, the trainer oversaw the locals Gumar and Jam as they led visiting Jedi younglings on a mission to help a herd of wellagrins migrate. Varna offered advice before they left and welcomed them at the other end of their journey. They later attended Visitor's Day on the planet Tenoo and the annual wellagrin egg hatching on Andraven.


Varna was a wellagrin trainer who resided on the snowy planet Andraven with fellow villagers Gumar and Jam during the High Republic Era. In 232 BBY, when the wellagrins were ready to migrate to the other side of a mountain to have access to more food, they, Gumar, and Jam were joined by a trio of Jedi younglings: Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs. The younglings began by learning to ride the wellagrins, at which Solay was adept but with which the other two struggled. Varna began giving advice regarding patience with oneself, but their comlink then activated—the Jedi's master, Jedi Master Zia Zanna, was calling. Zanna thanked Varna for hosting the Jedi and asked how they were doing; the trainer told her that they were adjusting well and ready to help the wellagrins migrate.

The returning group skids to a halt in front of Varna.

The returning group skids to a halt in front of Varna.

Before they left, Varna cautioned the group to stay close to the trail, avoid avalanches, and be at the orchard to which they were going before dark due to the night's snowstorms. They thus departed while the Jedi's friend Nash Durango took Varna to the orchard in her starship, the Crimson Firehawk. Before nightfall, the Jedi, villagers, and wellagrins came sliding down the mountain into the orchard, propelled by an avalanche they had accidentally caused. Nearly crashing into Varna and Durango, their mission was a success—Varna ensured everyone was alright. That night, they sat surrounding a heater as Solay recounted the day's events. Zanna—via hologram—and Varna told the younglings they were proud of them, with Varna assuring the Jedi they were welcome to Andraven whenever they wished.

Varna, Gumar, and Jam later visited the Jedi on their planet of Tenoo for Visitor's Day, when individuals from all over the galaxy came to visit. Sometime afterward on Andraven, Varna attended the annual hatching of the wellagrin eggs alongside Gumar, Jam, and the three younglings.

Personality and traits

Varna gave the children advice and guidance for their mission, and they were sure to check on them after they had completed it. They had yellow eyes, gray skin, gray hair, and was a member of a sentient trunked species.


Varna donned a tricolored hat with pompoms on its sides, a matching maroon dress, and mittens.

Behind the scenes

Varna first appeared in "Lys and the Snowy Mountain Rescue," the first part of the fourth episode of the animated series Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventuress first season. The episode was released on May 4, 2023. They were voiced by Sharon Muthu.









