Variable Altitude Repulsorlift Patrol Vehicle


The vehicle notably has three mechanical arms located on top of its chassis that could articulate to allow the vehicle to navigate narrow spaces and expand to maximize fire effect from the concussion missile launcher located at the tips of each arm. Furthermore, an additional launcher was located underneath the hull, flanked by a pair of rapid firing laser cannon turret on each side.

The craft can be operated through several pilots or remotely. Mobility is achieved through the two massive repulsorlift engines located behind the forward arm/laser cannon hubs allowed the vehicle to sustain a hover over 100 hours. However, it was noted to be slow, which ultimately resulted in the Correctional Authority requesting for a dedicated pursuit craft that ultimately became the Firespray-class prototypes.


Jango Fett encountered one of these while trying to steal a Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft, during the Oovo IV Uprising. Fett destroyed its weapons, and sent it crashing into the hole it was deployed from.

Behind the scenes

The Bounty Hunter's Prima's Official Game Guide specifications on the RPV mentions weaponry does not match what was described in the included vehicle's summary, which reflects how it was presented in the gameplay. The infobox of this article reflects the former listing while the Characteristics section deals with the latter.




