Valon (pirate)

Valon was a Human male pirate who joined the White Maw during the Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire.


During the Cold War, Captain Valon launched raids against Rift Alliance coalition forces. After joining the White Maw, Valon gathered many followers to serve by his side and take advantage on the Rift Alliance. Valon survived several attempts on his life, including the onslaughts from the Rift Alliance coalition forces and failed coups from overambitious lieutenants.

In 3642 BBY, the first year of the renewed conflict, Valon was faced by the Barsen'thor who aided a Rift Alliance unit under the command of lieutenant Felix Iresso. After his first defeat by the Jedi Consular, his body armor completely healed him and was willing to have his chance by defeating the Jedi once again. After the Consular managed to disable the armor, Valon was defeated, and attempted to make a deal with the Jedi to be given free rein to harass the Empire in exchange for his life. The Jedi Consular refused his offer and Valon was taken into Republic custody.

Behind the scenes

If the Jedi Consular agrees to Captain Valon's deal he will serve the Rift Alliance, swearing his loyalty to the Jedi Consular. He can be sent to do the following:

  • Support the Rift Alliance. Start shipping supplies to the Rift Alliance. Food, medicine, whatever they need.
  • Gather more followers. For now, rally as many pirates as you can to our cause.
  • Harass the Empire. Begin raiding Imperial shipping lanes and small vessels. Do plenty of damage.

Whatever the case, Captain Valon will later support the Jedi Consular taking out Empire ships for them along with other various service.



