

Valik on her speeder

Valik on her speeder

By 34 ABY, Valik was a part of Kragan Gorr's Warbird gang. Prior to the outbreak of the First Order-Resistance War, the Warbirds were hired by the First Order to raid the Colossus, a refueling platform on the planet Castilon. The First Order wanted to use the Colossus as a military supply line for their invasion of the galaxy.

Kidnapping Torra Doza

After Commander Pyre and Captain Phasma hired Captain Gorr to kidnap Torra Doza in order to convince her father Captain Imanuel Doza to accept First Order protection, she and Drell were sent to infiltrate the Colossus in cargo containers. There, they met up with the Warbird spy Synara San at Colossus' loading docks.

With Synara's help, Valik and Drell managed to infiltrate Doza Tower and kidnap Torra. Though Synara managed to warn Kazuda Xiono and Captain Doza, Valik and Drell managed to evade Ace Squadron and Xiono and took their captive back to the Warbird gang's headquarters, the Galleon. Shortly later, Major Elrik Vonreg arrived in an Upsilon-class command shuttle and rescued Torra, shooting Drell and the Trandoshan Skreek in the process. By staging Torra's rescue, the First Order was able to convince Captain Doza to accept their offer of "protection".

Kaz's appeal

Later, onboard the Galleon, Valik intercepted an encoded transmission sent from the Colossus, which she brought to Kragan. When she decoded the message, it turned out to be a transmission sent to the Resistance by Kazuda Xiono, calling for help.

Salvage the dreadnought

Kragan, Drell and Valik are laughing that Kazuda Xiono want to help them to salvage the Mandator IV-class Siege Dreadnought Fulminatrix to get the coaxium, until as Kaz said that the Colossus can't jump into hyperspace before the First Order shows up, they agreed. He ordered Valik into the hangar nice and easy, and prepared to board which there's still power. Valik plans to salvage and tells Snarl to grab the crate, while she gets the crate and old parts of the dreadnought. As the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Thunderer has arrived, she and the crew head back with the stuff as Kragan tells everyone to head back to the Galleon. As the Galleon is out of the Siege Dreadnought, the engine has been hit by one of the battalion of TIE/fo space superiority fighters as he ordered Synara to fire the starboard cannons and ordered Valik to fire the port cannons and when the Galleon approach to the Colossus hangar he tells her to take her in gently, Valik tells Kragan she's trying, and after that Kaz, Synara and Neeku head to the hyperdrive chamber.

Meeting Sidon Ithano

Not too long before the Battle of Exegol, Valik picked the scanners that the Meson Martinet, led by Sidon Ithano of his crew, had arrived.

Personality and traits

Valik was a Palliduvan female with chalk skin, red eyes, and bony fingers. She had a line of black spikes protruding from her the top of her head, resembling a mohawk. Valik also had black markings on her face and torso.

Skills and abilities

Valik was skilled at breaching security systems and secure fortifications such as Doza Tower.

Behind the scenes

Valik first appeared in the Star Wars Resistance episode "The Doza Dilemma." She is voiced by Jennifer Hale.


















