
Valentia was the capital city of the planet Jelucan. It was situated atop a mountain. Its buildings, some of which were ten to fifteen stories high, were carved into the pale white stone of cliffs. The buildings stretched along the side of the mountain for some distance. Eight years following the end of the Clone Wars, a grand ceremony was held within the city to introduce the planet Jelucan into the Galactic Empire, following the planet's conquest. Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, accompanied by a young Firmus Piett, gave a rousing speech. Thane Kyrell and Ciena Ree, along with their families, were also in attendance.


Valentia was a city built atop a mountain on the Outer Rim Territories planet of Jelucan. Many of the city's buildings—some of which reached ten or fifteen stories in height—were carved from the mountain's white stone. Brightly-colored tents and awnings stood around many of the buildings. According to many Jelucani, however, the city's overall size was much smaller than a Star Destroyer.

After the arrival of the Empire, new flight simulators were constructed in Valentia, which Paron Ree encouraged his daughter, Ciena Ree to make use of. A was also located in the city, though it was eventually retrofitted into an Imperial barracks.


Following the end of the Clone Wars, Jelucan joined the Galactic Empire, which brought Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin to Valentia, where he gave a speech that was witnessed by Thane Kyrell and Ciena Ree. Kyrell would eventually return the city after his desertion from the Empire in the wake of the Battle of Yavin, where he found it much changed by Imperial occupation.

During Kyrell's time on Coruscant, buildings had been constructed by itinerant workers that had been forced to flee to the city; the city's cantina had also become seedier, and had become dominated by offworlders.

Ree eventually caught up to Kyrell in Valentia and challenged his desertion, though to no avail. She returned to the Imperial Navy, while Kyrell left the city and joined the crew of the freighter Mighty Oak Apocalypse.

Three years later, Ree returned to Valentia, and found it unrecognizable. The makeshift housing that had been visible before seemed to have swallowed up the city's stone buildings, and the muunyaks that had once walked the city's streets were gone, replaced by ridgecrawlers.


Valentia was initially primarily home to the descendants of the Second-wave of Jelucani settlements. However, during the Imperial Era, a number of itinerant workers moved into the city from Jelucan's mountains.

Despite being the most heavily populated city to which he had previously been, Thane Kyrell estimated that Valentia's population would fill just seven levels of the Royal Imperial Academy on Coruscant.

Behind the scenes

Valentia first appeared in the 2015 novel Lost Stars, written by Claudia Gray.









