Vagaari stasis collar

The Vagaari stasis collar was a elaborate blue-and-gold device used by the Vagaari species to cease a being's life without killing them. The stasis collars could be attached to a wolvkil, furry animals used by the Vagaari Empire to attack their enemies, Vagaari, or their slaves. The collars could be put for timed release, allowing the Vagaari to execute ambushes.

In 22 ABY, Vagaari Supreme Commander Estosh, General Bearsh and several other Vagaari used several stasis collars to suspend the life of wolvkils they carried on their shoulders. Once they infiltrated a conference room at the remains of the Outbound Flight colony starship at the Redoubt star cluster, they removed the collars and allowed their animals to attack Jedi Knights Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker and several other Chiss officials.

Behind the scenes

The Vagaari stasis collar first appeared, albeit unnamed, in the 2004 novel Survivor's Quest written by Timothy Zahn. Six years later, The Unknown Regions supplement to Wizards of the Coast's Star Wars Roleplaying Game Saga Edition Core Rulebook named them.


  • The Unknown Regions
  • The Essential Reader's Companion



