
Hello! I had another account a few years back but decided to start anew after being inactive for awhile. I'll be updating this thing. Soon. Hopefully.

I wrote that over 3 years ago... Well, now I'm actually back after wiping away my tears from The Clone Wars finale.

I first found Star Wars through the LEGO sets when I was about 4 or 5 (that's as much as my parents remember) and the rest is history. I've seen every feature film since Attack of the Clones on the big screen, Revenge of the Sith was the first PG-13 movie I saw in a theater, and I attended opening night showings for every episode of the Sequel Trilogy. (And maybe Rogue One as well? I can't remember.)

I love The Clone Wars and Rebels to death; I had to force myself to finish season one of Resistance and stopped there. I love Mando, too, just not in the same way -- 16 episodes is nowhere near enough time. I wish some aspects of the Star Wars: Clone Wars micro-series were reintegrated into canon (mainly out of nostalgia), but it seems very unlikely given how fully developed that time period already is. But with Durge now part of canon (I really need to start reading Aphra) I have hope!
