
The Ur'kossags were a criminal gang on the moon Nar Shaddaa during the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire. Named after a word from the Huttese language, the Ur'kossags robbed and killed alien refugees in the Network Access sector, but the Force-sensitive Human girl Kira Carsen stood up to the gang in defense of her friends sometime between 36533645 BBY. The group attempted to recruit Carsen, asking her to kill a rival gangster, but the teenage refugee refused and killed the criminals instead, ending the threat to her friends. However, Carsen's attack gave the refugees a fearsome reputation, and the group found it difficult to acquire supplies in the years afterwards. Carsen later learned of this when she and her Jedi Master visited the refugees to deliver relief supplies in 3643 BBY, but she did not regret her actions.

The Ur'Kossags were first mentioned on the Holonet section of the official site for the 2011 BioWare video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, in the entry for the Jedi Knight class' companion character Kira Carsen, although they were not named until the conversation "The Merciful One" in the game itself.

Behind the scenes

The Ur'Kossags were first mentioned on the Holonet section of the official site for the 2011 BioWare video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, in the entry for the Jedi Knight class' companion character Kira Carsen, although they were not named until the conversation "The Merciful One" in the game itself.



