Uprising on Jakku

An uprising against the First Order occurred on the planet Jakku in 35 ABY, simultaneously with multiple other uprisings across the galaxy. The rebellion occurred after a rallying cry from Resistance General Lando Calrissian urged citizens to take up arms against the First Order on the planet of Exegol. The Resistance General Finn first saw reports of the uprising while at a console aboard the light freighter Millennium Falcon.


In 35 ABY, Resistance Generals Poe Dameron and Finn formulated a plan to raid the First Order's allies, the Final Order, on the planet Exegol. Resistance members General Lando Calrissian and Chewbacca were sent aboard the light freighter Millennium Falcon to the Core Worlds in order to rally support for the upcoming battle. While not all who heard Calrissian's rallying call could travel to Exegol, many subsequently took arms against the First Order across the galaxy. With no leadership or reinforcements because the Battle of Exegol had ended in the Resistance's favor, First Order Star Destroyers across the galaxy, including at the planet Jakku, became easy prey to their enemies.

The uprising

At the end of the battle on Exegol, Finn boarded the Millennium Falcon and initiated a sensor sweep on a console. While the sweep ran, Finn saw reports of various star systems, including Jakku, rebelling against the First Order. He realized that the spark of resistance the late Resistance general Leia Organa had ignited had become a full-fledged revolt. Finn later told Dameron of the uprisings. During the uprising, rebels caused a flaming Resurgent-class Star Destroyer to crash near the Star Destroyer Inflictor in the Starship Graveyard. At his console on the moon Ajan Kloss, the Resistance's base of operations, the protocol droid C-3PO viewed reports of falling Star Destroyers, which he announced to those around him.

Behind the scenes

The uprising on Jakku first appeared in the 2019 film Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, the final film of the sequel trilogy.









