Unidentified temple (Pijal)


A temple was located in the Inner Rim planet Pijal's capital city during the Republic Era.


The temple was located in the capital city of Pijal (pictured).

The temple was located in the capital city of Pijal (pictured).

During the reign of the Galactic Republic, as one of the Pijal capital city's main temples, it served as a religious site for the native Pijali. In 40 BBY, Pijali blackguard soldiers began covertly operating under the orders of Princess Fanry, who sought to initiate a campaign of dissent in the Pijal system to disrupt the signing of the Governance Treaty initiative, which would strip power from the reigning Pijali monarchy and cede it to a new representative Assembly. Under her directive, the soldiers seeded Pijal's moon with a crimson-colored chemical, causing Pijali citizens to panic when its atmosphere changed color. Afterward, the blackguards left a painted message on the temple, asking whether their act of dissent was enough for them not to be forgotten.

The vandalism was pinned on the Opposition—a political performance troupe known for protesting the Governance Treaty—and the Pijali royal guard captain Deren kept a holographic recording of the event stored. Some days later, Deren gave the Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, the recording of the vandalism of the temple while they were on Pijal investigating several recent upheavals and attempting to locate the Opposition. Eventually, after Fanry's failed attempt to crown herself queen during her violent coronation, the Opposition was cleared of blame for the painted message on the temple and other incidents.

Behind the scenes

The temple appeared in a hologram in Master & Apprentice, a 2019 novel written by Claudia Gray.






