Unidentified stormtrooper sergeant

A stormtrooper sergeant operated on the planet Garel during the Age of the Empire. While patrolling locked down hangars in the Garel City Spaceport, the sergeant and his squad of stormtroopers came across the bounty hunter Ketsu Onyo and her old partner Sabine Wren while they were in the middle of a standoff. When the stormtrooper commanding officer ordered them and their other companions to disperse, Onyo opened fire on the troopers. After several of the sergeant's men were incapacitated, the commanding officer tried to fight Onyo in single combat after she disarmed him, but the officer was defeated. After Onyo and the others departed the hangar, the sergeant returned to his feet and expressed a dislike for the bounty hunters on Garel.


The sergeant and his men fight the rebels

The sergeant and his men fight the rebels

A human male individual served the Galactic Empire during the Age of the Empire as a stormtrooper sergeant on the planet Garel. One day during the year 4 BBY, the sergeant was patrolling the Garel City Spaceport with a squad of stormtroopers when they encountered the rebels Sabine Wren, Ezra Bridger, C1-10P, and EG-86 squaring off with the Black Sun bounty hunter Ketsu Onyo.

The sergeant informed them that the hangar was closed and that they were to leave immediately. In response, Onyo fired her weapons at the stormtroopers. The Imperials opened fire on everyone present, prompting a violent skirmish. Several stormtroopers were incapacitated during the firefight while the sergeant climbed atop some crates to get a better vantage point. With the help of C1-10P, the rebels were able to escape aboard a starship and left Onyo to face the remaining stormtroopers alone.

The sergeant and his men surrounded Onyo and ordered her to surrender. The bounty hunter responded by grabbing a stormtrooper to use as a shield, which another stormtroopers shot in the chest as they tried to shoot Onyo. The bounty hunter used her staff to melee her way past the remaining stormtroopers, and disarmed the sergeant in the process. He chased her, but she turned around and whacked him across the head with her staff. After jumping over the last conscious stormtrooper, Onyo escaped to her personal ship, the Shadow Caster. The sergeant got back to his feet along with the another stormtrooper and, after watching Onyo leave the planet in her ship, the commanding officer verbally expressed a distaste for the bounty hunters on Garel.

Personality and traits

A male individual, the sergeant was serious when he ordered Onyo and the rebels to leave. When Onyo attacked, the sergeant responded by firing back and climbing nearby equipment to get a better shot at the insurgents when they took cover. After the skirmish ended, the sergeant shook off the ordeal as an annoyance. The sergeant held a low opinion of bounty hunters.


The sergeant wore white stormtrooper armor along with a white pauldron to denote his rank as a sergeant. He carried an E-11 medium blaster rifle.

Behind the scenes

The sergeant first appeared in "Blood Sisters," an episode of the second season of the television series Star Wars Rebels. His voice was provided by Stephen Stanton, credited as "Stormtrooper #1." Although his rank went unmentioned in the episode, the canon source book Ultimate Star Wars mentions that stormtroopers with white pauldrons are sergeants.



