Unidentified stormtrooper (mind trick)


A Human male stormtrooper was stationed on the planet Kamino in the year 1 BBY. The stormtrooper was in a walkway above the Timira City parade grounds when Starkiller, a clone of Sith Lord Darth Vader's apprentice Galen Marek, was attempting to escape the planet. Starkiller came across the stormtrooper, and, after having a brief vision of the future in which he used a mind trick on another stormtrooper, he used that Force power on the trooper on the walkway. Due to the mind trick, the stormtrooper leaped out of a window, committing suicide.

Personality and traits

As a part of the Stormtrooper Corps in the Imperial Military, the individual wore white armor. The trooper was a weak-minded individual, as was demonstrated by his susceptibility to the mind trick employed by Starkiller.

Behind the scenes

The stormtrooper first appeared in the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of the LucasArts video game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, released on October 26, 2010. The incident where Starkiller finds the stormtrooper marks the first instance in the game where the mind trick—a Force power that is used throughout the rest of the game—is employed. The game's strategy guide includes the mind trick scenario in its walkthrough. The guide also calls the trooper "weak-minded." There are multiple things that Starkiller can say when using mind trick, all of which are game mechanics and are randomly selected.




