Unidentified stormtrooper (DS-1)

A human male served as an Imperial stormtrooper on the DS-1 Death Star Mobile Battle Station. As the battle station entered firing range for its superlaser upon Yavin 4, the location of a hidden Rebel base, the stormtrooper was heading to his station. He witnessed MSE-6-G735Y, an MSE-6 series repair droid, get caught in the explosion of a wall panel due to the ongoing battle while it was en route from Sector GM1-A to the command bridge. When the stormtrooper examined the droid, he discovered it was not yet fully out of commission; however, the droid had catastrophic damage and was slow to identify him as a stormtrooper. He had to report to his station, but told the droid he would return after the battle to repair it while still leaving some of its cosmetic damage. As he was telling it that its carbon scoring resembled racing stripes, he was interrupted mid-sentence by the destruction of the Death Star.






