Unidentified slicer (Collective)

A human slicer worked for the Collective, an underground organization on the planet Corellia. On behalf of the Collective, they visited the Dead Aeronaut cantina for a lunchtime meeting with Monti Calay, a cadet who worked in the Records Department of the Corellian Engineering Corporation. Calay had stolen a First Order datapad from his supervisor, Executive Records Officer Winshur Bratt, that contained an encrypted list of the First Order's targets and prisoners. The slicer used a key obtained by a friend from Doaba Guerfel to decrypt the list. Calay then gave it to the Collective benefactor Nifera Shu, who put it up for auction.

Personality and traits

The symbol of the First Order, which the slicer opposed as part of the Collective

The symbol of the First Order, which the slicer opposed as part of the Collective

The slicer had freckled, light brown skin; green eyes; and brown hair. Their hair was worn long on one side and shaved completely on the other, which was tattooed with the white-horned serpent symbol of the Collective.

To avoid facial recognition by the First Order's cams, they outlined their eyes with thick white liner and wore a white scarf that could be pulled over their features. They also wore white gloves with a gray jacket and pants. The ensemble contributed to Calay's impression that the slicer had the appearance of a criminal.

Skills and abilities

The slicer was capable of completing a decryption in approximately six minutes.

Behind the scenes

The slicer appeared in the 2019 novel Resistance Reborn, which was written by Rebecca Roanhorse.






