Unidentified scrumrat

In 3 ABY, Qi'ra, now the leader of the criminal syndicate Crimson Dawn, told Princess Leia Organa about the incident when the two met aboard the Millennium Falcon to discuss Han, now at that point known as Han Solo. A year later, Organa told Solo, now her husband, about the meeting with Qi'ra and that she had told Organa about the time Solo had saved the boy. Afterward, Solo briefly remembered the incident.


Between 24 BBY and 13 BBY, a human male was a scrumrat within the White Worms criminal organization on the planet Corellia. At one point during this time, the scrumrat was ganged up on by older kids within the gang. Fellow scrumrats and lovers Qi'ra and Han helped the boy, with Han stepping in and attempting to fight the older kids while Qi'ra hugged the boy. Han, however, almost got himself killed, only being saved by the intervention of goons of Lady Proxima, the leader of the White Worms.

After the incident, Qi'ra, not understanding why Han had defended the kid when he had nothing to offer him, asked him why he had, especially when he could have ended up dead for nothing. Han responded that was the way thigs were, adding that no one would ever help unless it got them something in return. He then noted that's how it was for them on Corellia, and likely also at the top of the "fanciest tower on the fanciest planet in the galaxy." He then countered this by stating that for a few minutes, it would have not been that way for the kid, stating it was possible that it did not have to always be that way, and that maybe things could be different.

In 3 ABY, Qi'ra, now the leader of the criminal syndicate Crimson Dawn, met up with Princess Leia Organa to talk about Han, now known as Han Solo, aboard the Millennium Falcon, a YT-1300 light freighter owned by Solo. During their conversation, the crime lord remarked that had she and Solo remained together, he would have walked a much darker path than be the person she knew he could be, which was possible now due to him being with the princess. When Organa questioned what she was talking about, Qi'ra told her the story of the time Solo had saved the scrumrat from the older kids. Once she was finished, the princess asked why Qi'ra had told her the story, informing her that she knew Solo had good within him. Before she left the ship, Organa asked the crime lord if the story she had told her about Solo and the kid was actually true. Qi'ra ignored the question and simply responded by telling the princess she would be seeing her.

A year later, during their honeymoon aboard the Star Cruiser Halcyon, Organa brought up with Solo that she had met with Qi'ra. Organa then told her husband that Qi'ra had told her a story about him. When he expressed worry, the princess responded that it was a good story, which Solo doubted. Organa then reminded Solo of the incident with the scrumrat, and when she told him that Qi'ra had made out that Solo had been a fool to help the kid, he agreed with the assessment. Following this, Solo briefly remembered the incident, and the discussion he had with Qi'ra after.

Behind the scenes

The scrumrat first appeared in flashbacks in the eighteenth issue of the 2020 comic series Star Wars. The issue was written by Charles Soule, penciled by Ramon Rosanas, and published by Marvel Comics on November 3, 2021.









