Unidentified red planet

A red planet was located in the Earth system. It was the closest planet to Earth.

Han Solo and Chewbacca of the Millennium Falcon, having entered this star system while evading the Imperial Navy sometime after the Battle of Endor, passed by this planet before being caught in the gravity well of Earth.

The planet, alongside three other planets, including Earth, appeared in the non-canon Dark Horse Comics comic serial "Into the Great Unknown," which acted as a crossover between the Star Wars and Indiana Jones franchises. The appearance and corresponding location of Jones' homeworld (which is heavily implied but not directly stated to be Earth) implied that it was Mars.

Behind the scenes

The planet, alongside three other planets, including Earth, appeared in the non-canon Dark Horse Comics comic serial "Into the Great Unknown," which acted as a crossover between the Star Wars and Indiana Jones franchises. The appearance and corresponding location of Jones' homeworld (which is heavily implied but not directly stated to be Earth) implied that it was Mars.



