Unidentified prime minister

A prime minister who served his homeworld, the Outer Rim planet Christophsis, lived during the Imperial Era. Several of Christophsis's officials, including the minister, aided an insurgent group fighting against the Galactic Empire. The group held its base of operations in the prime minister's home city of Tophen.

In 3 BBY, after the insurgents stole an Imperial medical frigate, the Empire discovered the minister's involvement with the thieves. While other members of Christophsis's leadership were arrested and punished with prison sentences, the prime minister was put on trial, found guilty, and executed for treason. Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin publicly denounced the leader and his planet's actions in an address to the Galactic Senate weeks after the frigate incident, mentioning the minister's punishment as well as the pacification of Tophen.

The prime minister was mentioned in Leia, Princess of Alderaan, a 2017 young-adult novel written by Claudia Gray.

Behind the scenes

The prime minister was mentioned in Leia, Princess of Alderaan, a 2017 young-adult novel written by Claudia Gray.






