Unidentified planet (Everi Chalis)

A terrestrial planet home to an undeveloped society was the homeworld of the human Everi Chalis, who lived in the ruins of a bombed paper mill prior to the time of the Galactic Empire. Chalis's mother attempted to sell her to the captain of a Trade Federation exploratory starship but the captain instead gave Chalis a packet of nectrose crystals out of sympathy as she was too young.

Wanting to leave the planet, Chalis enrolled into the Colonial Academy academic institution to study art and subsequently went offworld by the time of the Empire's rise to power in 19 BBY. Chalis later told the Rebel Alliance First Sergeant Hazram Namir about her homeworld in 3 ABY, considering the planet similar to Namir's own homeworld, the Tionese backwater Crucival.

The planet was first mentioned in the 2015 novel Battlefront: Twilight Company, written by Alexander Freed.

Behind the scenes

The planet was first mentioned in the 2015 novel Battlefront: Twilight Company, written by Alexander Freed.


  • Star Wars: Women of the Galaxy






