Unidentified junk trader

A junk trader from the Kalarba system purchased the droids C-3PO and R2-D2 in the year 5.5 BBY. The droids had previously belonged to the Kalarba system's Governor Wena Havid, who flitted across the galaxy in a luxurious starship, but when the governor was bankrupted, most of his possessions were placed on the auction block. The junk trader bought C-3PO and R2-D2 at rock-bottom prices, and the droids were subsequently placed on a freighter bound for the Kalarba system.

The freighter also contained a spice shipment belonging to the crooked businessman Olag Greck, as well as the assassin droid IG-88B. When the freighter landed at the system's Hosk Station, both C-3PO and R2-D2 became mixed up in an encounter between Greck and the assassin droid. The misadventure concluded with the two counterparts taking an escape pod to the surface of Kalarba, where they were taken in by the Human Pitareeze family, whom they accepted as their new masters.


  • The Essential Guide to Characters
  • C-3PO: Tales of the Golden Droid
  • The New Essential Guide to Characters



