Unidentified jungle world (Torch Nebula)

The jungle world was first mentioned in the Codex entry for lurkers in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game released by BioWare in 2011. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Torch Nebula, and therefore the unnamed planet, within grid square P-19. Following the April 25, 2014 discontinuation of the Star Wars Legends continuity, the homeworld of the lurkers was re-introduced into the new Star Wars canon and given the name Judakann by Poe Dameron: Free Fall, a 2020 novel by Alex Segura.

Behind the scenes

The jungle world was first mentioned in the Codex entry for lurkers in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game released by BioWare in 2011. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Torch Nebula, and therefore the unnamed planet, within grid square P-19. Following the April 25, 2014 discontinuation of the Star Wars Legends continuity, the homeworld of the lurkers was re-introduced into the new Star Wars canon and given the name Judakann by Poe Dameron: Free Fall, a 2020 novel by Alex Segura.



