Unidentified intelligence officer

This human Imperial intelligence officer was stationed aboard an IGV-55 surveillance vessel during the Age of the Empire. They were a member of the Imperial Information Office and reported to Imperial controller LT-319. One of their colleagues was the listening officer known as 3-9. In 2 BBY, they and their team took part in an operation to hijack the rebel droid Chopper in order to find the location of Chopper Base. The operation failed and the entire listener crew were killed when Hera Syndulla caused a data surge that destroyed their ship.


This Imperial intelligence officer served aboard an IGV-55 surveillance vessel during the Age of the Empire. They were one of a group of individuals who gave up their autonomy and wore cyborg constructs. The intelligence officer was part of a psychological warfare operation by the Galactic Empire to combat the growing Alliance to Restore the Republic. They and their team were part of Grand Admiral Thrawn's efforts to gather intelligence on rebel activities.

In 2 BBY, the intelligence officer and their team were alerted when the rebel C1-series astromech droid known as Chopper infiltrated the Imperial Security Bureau station on the moon Killun 71. After the ship's controller LT-319 ordered his crew to set a course for Killun 71, they asked their colleague 3-9 where was the data update scan. 3-9 responded that he was tracking 7161, which turned out to be a stolen Sentinel-class landing craft that was being used by the Spectres rebel cell to infiltrate the base.

The intelligence officer and their colleagues were present when LT-319 used a network terminal at the base to reprogram Chopper. They then reported that Chopper's colleague, the RA-7 protocol droid AP-5, had stolen clearance codes from the base and warned that there was a danger. However, Controller LT-319 calculated that the rebels only had a 31% and decided that they should allow the rebels to leave the base unhindered since the odds were in their favor. The Imperial intelligence officers watched as Chopper returned to the Sentinel with his comrades and the rebels returned to their home ship Ghost.

The officer and their colleagues then watched as the hijacked Chopper hijacked the Ghost and tried to kill his fellow rebels by exposing them to space. Under LT-319's orders, Chopper then installed a data spike which downloaded data from the Ghosts navigation computer to the Imperial surveillance ship. However, AP-5 managed to open the hatch to the cargo bay from outside, allowing the Spectres to retake their ship and stun Chopper.

After the rebels removed the spike, the Spectres' leader Hera Syndulla used Chopper's visual processor to issue a threat to the surveillance ship. She then reversed the data feed back to the surveillance vessel, causing the ship's systems to overload and purging the Imperial reprogramming from Chopper's systems. The intelligence officer reported that their fuel cells had been compromised just shortly before their ship exploded, killing all aboard.

Personality and traits

The intelligence officer lived during the Age of the Empire. They gave up some of their autonomy and wore a cybernetic headset. The intelligence officer was part of Grand Admiral Thrawn's operations to gather intelligence on rebel activities. They were familiar with the Imperial data network, starship systems, and slicing. The intelligence officer expressed concerns about letting the rebel droid AP-5 escape with stolen clearance codes. However, their controller LT-319 gambled that the Imperials had a high chance of success. The officer's warnings were proven when the Spectres rebel cell reprogrammed Chopper and reverse fed a torrent of data back at the Imperial surveillance vessel, destroying it.

Behind the scenes

The intelligence officer first appeared in the Star Wars Rebels Season Three episode "Double Agent Droid," which premiered on Disney XD on March 18, 2017. They were voiced by Vanessa Marshall, who also voiced Hera Syndulla and PZ-7 in the same episode.



