Unidentified human male (Yaddle)

An elderly human male was a member of the Path of the Open Hand cult that was found in a hut at the Path compound on the planet Dalna by Jedi Master Yaddle and Jedi Initiate Cippa Tarko shortly before the Night of Sorrow in 382 BBY. Yaddle and Tarko were taking part in an undercover mission to investigate the Path and decided to investigate the buildings, including the man's hut, since everyone had been leaving and thus leaving them vacant. Assuming the two Jedi were Path members, the man told them to go with the others and insisted that he stay there. He explained that the eldest of. Them all were to stay behind so that they would act as a shield, and insisted he'd be fine because he had food and rainwater. Yaddle tricked him into explaining what the gathering the others were going to was, him saying that it was a great work done by the Path that would bring their beliefs to reality and featured a weapon that would bring down the Jedi. The Jedi left after repairing his hut's roof, an action he accepted as a gift, declaring death to Force-users as they left.






