Unidentified human (Gallimere)

A human was living on the astronomical object Gallimere during the High Republic Era. After they found a lightsaber laying on the ground following a battle, the human took the lightsaber and impersonated a Jedi to give the people of Gallimere hope. In 229 BBY, Jedi Master Keeve Trennis met the human while investigating reports of a Jedi beeing seen on Gallimere. Together, they fought the Nihil that were attacking the astronomical object.


During the High Republic Era, the Nihil were attacking the astronomical object Gallimere, causing much death and destruction. Following the battle, the human found a lightsaber laying on the ground. In an attempt to give the people of Gallimere hope, the human took the lightsaber and pretended to be a Jedi. But they underestimated the amount of Nihil causing chaos there, so they were quickly overwhelmed.

Keeve was shot on Gallimere

Keeve was shot on Gallimere

In 229 BBY, Jedi Knight Terec and Jedi Master Keeve Trennis travelled to Gallimere because they heard reports that a Jedi was seen there fighting on their own against the Nihil. When Trennis was searching for the missing Jedi, she could hear their lightsaber hum in the distance. While beeing attacked by Nihil, she finally found the person she was looking for, she qickly realized that they were no Jedi. The Jedi impersonator told Trennis how they came into possession of the lightsaber and that they just wanted to give the people of Gallimere hope, but they underestimated how many Nihil there were. While Trennis told them not to apologize for what they did, she was shot by an Elomin Nihil. The Elomin was about to kill Trennis, who was laying on the ground, when the human threw their lightsaber. Trennis caught it and killed the Nihil. The human asked if she was okay and the Jedi Master told them that she was fine. She also told them that she would keep the lightsaber safe, because they didn't need a lightsaber to serve the light, they only need hope.

Personality and traits

The human was wearing ripped clothes

The human was wearing ripped clothes

The individual was a light-skinned, black-haired, skinny human. Their hair was lumpy, their eyes sunken and their arms were shaking. When being attacked by the Nihil, the human was brave and pretended to be a Jedi to give their people hope. When facing a real Jedi, they apologized for impersonating a Jedi, but when being told not to apologize, they fought alongside the Jedi.


The human wore tattered blue and grey-brown robes, ripped brown pants, grey boots and a brown belt. They used a blue-bladed lightsaber that they had found laying on the ground after a battle.

Behind the scenes

The individual appeared in "All the Republic," the sixth story in Revelations (2023) 1, which was written by Cavan Scott and illustrated by Marika Cresta. The one-shot comic was published by Marvel Comics on December 20, 2023 and served as a sneak peek for the main comic run of Star Wars: The High Republic's Phase III.



