Unidentified foreman droid

A Scrapper Guild L-1g general purpose droid worked as a foreman in the Shipbreaking Yard on the planet Bracca. In 14 BBY, the droid approached the guild Riggers Cal Kestis and Prauf about an error that had occurred on Line Ten-A of a Venator-class Star Destroyer that was being dismantled. After the foreman offered double pay for the shift, the two Riggers accepted and completed the job.


A L-1g general purpose droid acted as a foreman droid for the Scrapper Guild in the Shipbreaking Yard on the planet Bracca during the early years of the Galactic Empire's reign. In 14 BBY, the droid learned of an error that had caused the hauler clamps to jam on Line Ten-A of a Venator-class Star Destroyer that was being dismantled in the yard. The foreman approached the guild Rigger Prauf on a platform within the engine of a the Star Destroyer and Prauf then fetched his fellow scrapper Cal Kestis, who was working nearby. The droid explained to its two subordinates that two workers were needed to climb up and secure the line's cables.

When Kestis pointed out the difficulty of the job, the foreman offered the pair double pay for the shift and so with encouragement from Prauf, Kestis accepted. Ordering the pair to get to work, the droid then boarded a repulsorlift barge and flew away from the engine. Kestis and Prauf successfully released the hauler clamps at Line Ten-A, but Prauf was killed after the shift finished by Imperial Inquisitors who drove Kestis to flee offworld.


The foreman droid had scratched turquoise and black plating with red stripes.

Behind the scenes

The foreman droid appeared in the 2019 Respawn Entertainment video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.



