Unidentified elderly Twi'lek female

An elderly Twi'lek female was a passenger aboard the Tallaan Clipper transport vessel named the Space Slug in 19 BBY. While on board she was harassed by a pair of Devaronians, whom she initially resisted but eventually gave in to and allowed to search through her bag for items to steal. Another passenger on board, the Kedorzhan Senator Dewell Bronk, attempted to stop the Devaronians but the criminals intimidated him enough to silence him with a glare. After scaring off Bronk the pair began pulling on the Twi'lek's Lekku, but another passenger, the Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, used the Force to persuade them to leave her alone. With the Devaronians gone the Twi'lek fled.



