Unidentified conscription trooper pilot


The conscription trooper pilot served the Galactic Empire around the year 18 BBY, more than a year after the Empire's birth. While transporting a squad of other stormtroopers in a Nu-class attack/transport shuttle to the Tantiss Base at Mount Tantiss, the pilot's shuttle was struck by lightning during a storm while on final approach to Mount Tantiss, which left its systems unresponsive. The pilot informed his passengers to brace for impact and managed to crash-land the shuttle in the jungle surround the Imperial base. Surviving the crash, the pilot lowered the shuttles ramp to release his passengers before stumbling out of the cockpit in a daze.

As the stormtroopers pondered their situation, trooper TK-343 requested for a recovery team over his comlink, but the Imperials were subsequently attacked by a dryax, a large predatory creature. Overhearing the panicked screams of the troopers on the comms, Doctor Royce Hemlock ordered for no help to be sent for the troopers, as he believed that they were beyond saving. Abandoned and helpless against the creatures of the jungle, the pilot was killed along with with his passengers.


The trooper wore white TK stormtrooper armor, and as a pilot, was equipped with life-support gear.



