Unidentified clone trooper regiment

A regiment of Imperial clone stormtroopers was stationed on the planet Ferrix in the year 18 BBY, early in the Imperial Era.


The Galactic Empire deployed a regiment of clone stormtroopers on the planet Ferrix in the year 18 BBY. The regiment was comprised of clones equipped with Phase II clone trooper armor, DC-15A blaster carbines, and DC-15A blaster rifles. Their commanding officer was a non-clone Imperial officer who wore a black military uniform.


The regiment's clone troopers targeted a crowd of civilians who protested against the Imperial occupation of Ferrix.

The regiment's clone troopers targeted a crowd of civilians who protested against the Imperial occupation of Ferrix.

In 18 BBY, the first year of the Imperial Era, the Galactic Empire deployed a regiment of clone stormtroopers to enforce Imperial authority over Ferrix, much to the distaste of the planet's residents. While marching down Rix Road, the clones were pelted with stones by several angry protesters, who demanded the Imperials leave and for the return of the former Galactic Republic. In retaliation, an Imperial officer ordered his troops to hold the protestors at gunpoint. Clem Andor, who had been trying to deescalate the protest, was publicly hanged after the Imperials erroneously suspected his involvement in the protest.

Later, after Andor had been hanged, four clone stormtroopers stood guard in the town's main square. Andor's adopted son, Cassian Jeron Andor, entered the square to confront the troopers with a baton, intending on killing them in revenge. Noticing the boy approaching, the troopers readied their blasters and moved to confront him, apprehending and arresting him.



