Unidentified clone trooper 2 (Prosecutor)

A clone trooper fought in the Clone Wars for the Galactic Republic, against a separatist group known as the Confederacy of Independent Systems. In 21 BBY, he was aboard the assault ship Prosecutor when it was boarded by Trandoshans and subsequently went missing. When the ship reappeared in the Corbantis system of the Chaykin Cluster, he encountered clone commando Boss, who helped the trooper and two other surviving clones to beat back the assaulting Trandoshans. After the Trandoshan threat was neutralized, Boss ordered this trooper to defend his position from further attack.


The clone trooper was a clone of the Mandalorian bounty hunter, Jango Fett, cloned and trained on the water covered world of Kamino. He served as a clone trooper in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars between the Republic and Confederacy of Independent Systems. In 21 BBY, Corbantis system (Prosecutor) was on board the Prosecutor when it was commandeered by Trandoshan mercenaries.

The clone trooper was in a corridor with two fellow troopers defending the area from Trandoshans with the assistance of some automated defense turrets. He and the other troopers encountered the clone commando Boss, who assisted in defending the area and prevented a trandoshan from turning the turrets on the troopers. Once he did this, the clone showed his stress by making a smart comment to Boss, who in turn reminded the trooper of the chain of command and need for respect, giving the group of clones an order to hold their position while he investigated the source of the Trandoshans.

Behind the scenes

The clone trooper's first appearance was in the LucasArts first–person shooter Star Wars: Republic Commando, which was released for PC and Xbox on February 28, 2005.



