Unidentified claim

A claim was located on the Outer Rim planet Elphrona in the High Republic Era, situated north of the world's Jedi-operated Elphrona Outpost. When the claim encountered difficulties with chromant creatures in 232 BBY, Jedi Master Loden Greatstorm indicated his intent to help them, despite Jedi Knight Indeera Stokes questioning whether the issue could be handled by an extermination unit instead. However, Greastorm and the other Elphrona Jedi were ultimately called away to assist with a raid elsewhere on the world instead.

The claim was mentioned in Light of the Jedi, a 2021 novel written by Charles Soule as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase I.

Behind the scenes

The claim was mentioned in Light of the Jedi, a 2021 novel written by Charles Soule as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase I.






