Unidentified child (Shenda Mol)

A child was killed by the bounty hunter Shenda Mol when she was four days old at some point during the Republic Era. While on the Mid Rim planet Numidian Prime around 66 BBY, Mol bragged about ending the lives of numerous individuals as part of her aspiration to kill one target of every age up to 200 years old. She expounded on the young child's death to the Jedi Padawan Qui-Gon Jinn, whom she threatened to eliminate next, and he was disgusted that she expressed no shame for her actions.

The child was mentioned in Master & Apprentice, a novel written by Claudia Gray that was released on April 16, 2019. Prior to the novel's release, the mention was included in a StarWars.com preview for the book released on April 5 of the same year.

Behind the scenes

The child was mentioned in Master & Apprentice, a novel written by Claudia Gray that was released on April 16, 2019. Prior to the novel's release, the mention was included in a StarWars.com preview for the book released on April 5 of the same year.






