Unidentified bouncer

A male bouncer worked at the at the Rimmer's Rest cantina on the moon Nar Shaddaa during the year 5 ABY. One of the bouncer's duties was welcoming patrons to the Rimmer's Rest via a practiced pitch that promoted the cantina as the best on Nar Shaddaa. During 5 ABY, the bouncer welcomed the droid infochant 8t88 and the Rebel Alliance agent Kyle Katarn to the establishment. The meeting between the two turned into a shootout, however, that ended when Katarn had cleaned the Rimmer's Rest out of 8t88's hired bounty hunters.


The bouncer welcomed both Kyle Katarn and 8t88 to the Rimmer's Rest.

The bouncer welcomed both Kyle Katarn and 8t88 to the Rimmer's Rest.

A male individual worked as a bouncer at the Rimmer's Rest cantina on the moon Nar Shaddaa. In addition to passing on beverage orders to the server Timmy, the bouncer also welcomed guests to the establishment with an oft-repeated pitch promoting the cantina as the best one the moon had to offer. The bouncer also took table reservations.

During the year 5 ABY, the bouncer took a table reservation for a booth for a man named Kyle Katarn. However, he later allowed the booth to be given to a different patron. Around the same time, the cantina was patronized by the droid infochant 8t88, who the bouncer assured that the Rimmer's Rest was droid friendly as long as 8t88 had the cash to pay. However, when 8t88 attempted to inquire about someone he was meeting at the bar, the bouncer refused to hear 8t88 out, as it involved getting into the business of strangers. Although 8t88 agreed with the sentiment, he nonetheless continued to ask until his contact found him instead.

Roughly an hour later, Katarn entered the establishment, only to learn that the bouncer had allowed his reserved booth to go to someone else. Instead of the booth, the bouncer directed Katarn to table number four and shouted Katarn's drink order, Novanian grog, across the noisy cantina to Timmy. Shortly thereafter Katarn met with 8t88, the latter of who had called the meeting, and engaged in business that quickly turned violent.

Personality and traits

The bartender had a friendly disposition to guests entering his bar and repeated a "welcome pitch" that promoted the Rimmer's Rest, although his tone when giving the pitch indicated a tiresome opinion of the phrase. Given the clandestine interactions of the patrons, the bartender made it a point to stay out of other people's affairs, and refused to hear out 8t88's reason for being at the cantina. Despite reserving a booth for Katarn in advance of his arrival, the bouncer nonetheless let the table pass on to another patron, to Katarn's annoyance. When given Katarn's drink order, the bouncer simply shouted it to the bartender.

Behind the scenes

The unnamed bouncer appeared in the audio adaption of the 1997 novella Dark Forces: Rebel Agent, despite not appearing in the novella itself. The bouncer was portrayed by Tim Glovatsky, and was credited as "Bar Bouncer."



