Unidentified bartender (Rojio's)

A male Human bartender worked at Rojio's, a bar on the city of Hullis on the planet Halmad.

In 7 ABY, the New Republic commando unit Wraith Squadron carried out a mission to steal TIE Fighters from Victory Base, an Imperial base located on the planet Halmad.

It began with Wraiths Kell Tainer and Ton Phanan starting a fight with a group of Imperial pilots who were drinking in the bar. The bartender pleaded for them to stop but was ignored; he then contacted the local military police via his comlink.

When Stormtroopers arrived at the location, they arrested everyone involved in the fight. Phanan offered to pay for the damages incurred during the fight, much to the bartender's relief.


In 7 ABY, the New Republic commando unit Wraith Squadron carried out a mission to steal TIE Fighters from Victory Base, an Imperial base located on the planet Halmad.

It began with Wraiths Kell Tainer and Ton Phanan starting a fight with a group of Imperial pilots who were drinking in the bar. The bartender pleaded for them to stop but was ignored; he then contacted the local military police via his comlink.

When Stormtroopers arrived at the location, they arrested everyone involved in the fight. Phanan offered to pay for the damages incurred during the fight, much to the bartender's relief.



