Unidentified backup racer

A pilot from the planet Hosnian Prime owned a backup racer they brought to the supertanker fuel depot Colossus as a backup ship for the All Aces Battle Royale race in 34 ABY. The Resistance spy Kazuda Xiono borrowed the racer to participate in the race by having his astromech droid, BB-8, reassign the vessel to his docking bay. He then equipped the ship with a Republic encryption recorder, intending to use it to capture the First Order informant Marnia Un'la'na's data cache during the race.

During the All Aces Battle Royale, Xiono flew in the borrowed Hosnian ship and pursued Un'la'na, successfully intercepting her transmission despite sustaining damage to the vessel. However, after being hit by another ship during the event, Xiono was forced to crash land on a landing pad. Afterward, the Resistance spy recovered Un'la'na's data cache from the luxury racer's data log backup, wiped the ship's internal systems, then returned the damaged vessel to its owner's garage.


A pilot from the planet Hosnian Prime owned a luxury backup racer equipped with two engines and a data log backup that stored the ship's received transmissions. The vessel's interior had a gray pilot's seat, a gray-colored interior, and a seatbelt. It also featured a silver-and-gray hull with blue accent panels and a dark blue cockpit. During the All Aces Battle Royale race, the Resistance spy Kazuda Xiono applied temporary decorative decals to the racer while borrowing it to make it less recognizable and also installed a Republic encryption recorder device, which was capable of intercepting and recording encrypted data.


The racer (upper left) was flown by Kazuda Xiono during the All Aces Battle Royale.

The racer (upper left) was flown by Kazuda Xiono during the All Aces Battle Royale.

In 34 ABY, the Hosnian Prime pilot brought the racer to the supertanker fuel depot Colossus as their backup ship, intending to participate in the All Aces Battle Royale race with a different vessel. The pilot then left the racer in a hangar. Not long after, Xiono instructed his astromech droid, BB-8, to reassign the ship to their own docking bay so that he could borrow it to participate in the All Aces Battle Royale. The Resistance spy claimed to the droid that he would be able to return it—undamaged—without its owner noticing, as the racers from his homeworld were affluent. Once the racer had been moved to his garage, Xiono applied decals to help alter its appearance and installed a Republic encryption recorder, intending to use the latter device to intercept an encrypted data transmission being sent to the First Order by the Twi'lek ace pilot and informant Marnia Un'la'na.

Xiono then entered the race under the pseudonym "Bolt-Shatterer-K," flying in the ship he had stolen. Following the announcer Jak Sivrak's command to begin the race, the Resistance spy flew alongside several other competitors in his racer. Though he initially fell behind, Xiono eventually flew close to Un'la'na's ship and told BB-8 to activate their Republic encryption recorder to capture her data transmission. However, when another craft collided with his ship and damaged it, Xiono's vessel briefly fell out of range of Un'la'na's racer. Xiono continued to push the borrowed ship to go faster until ensuring his encryption recorder had captured the data cache sent from the Twi'lek's ship. As Un'la'na maintained her leading position in the All Aces Battle Royale, Xiono's racer kept gaining on her, despite the Twi'lek's best efforts to lose him on the racecourse.

The pilot discovered their damaged racer in a Colossus hangar after the race.

The pilot discovered their damaged racer in a Colossus hangar after the race.

After ace pilot Hype Fazon's ship—the Green Ace—crashed into his borrowed ship and damaged it further, Xiono ceased pursuing her vessel and crash-landed the damaged ship onto a landing pad. Though he initially thought that the damage he had sustained to the borrowed racer had destroyed the encryption recorder's copy of Un'la'na's data cache, he realized that the vessel had a data log backup due to being a luxury vessel. Xiono then took a copy of the transmission off his borrowed racer, wiped its internal system log, and returned it to its owner's garage. Shortly afterward, the Resistance delivered the data from the Twi'lek's ship to Resistance pilot Poe Dameron, who decoded the information with Resistance General Leia Organa. Around the same time, the Hosnian Prime pilot discovered their now-damaged backup ship in its hangar, shocked at its state of disarray.

Behind the scenes

The backup racer was created for "All Aces Battle Royale," a comic story written by Kevin Burke and Chris "Doc" Wyatt and illustrated by Valentina Pinto. The story was published by IDW Publishing in the sixteenth issue of the 2017 Star Wars Adventures comic series, which was released on December 19, 2018.



