Unidentified Twi'lek girl (Zygerria)

A Twi'lek female girl was enslaved by Queen Miraj Scintel of Zygerria during the Clone Wars as a waitress. During the mission to Zygerria, she served drinks to Scintel and the slave dealer Lars Quell, who was actually the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker disguised. She witnessed Quell "sell" the Togruta Padawan Ahsoka Tano as part of their plan to free the Togruta enslaved by the Zygerrian Slave Empire. The Twi'lek, having hidden a knife under the drink plate, took her weapon to assassinate Scintel at the balcony where they were, but Skywalker took her hand in the nick of time and grabbed her weapon.

Foiled, the Twi'lek shouted at Skywalker to let her go and stumbled on the balcony's stairs upon breaking free of his grasp. Furious for her betrayal, Scintel told her that she would be sent to reprocessing, but that was enough for the Twi'lek. Rather than spending another day in enslavement, she proclaimed that she would never go back to her and chose to commit suicide by jumping from the balcony despite Skywalker's attempt to save her, dying upon the impact with the floor. Following her death, Scintel remarked the Twi'lek was perhaps more trouble than worth, accepting "Lars"' enslaved girl, telling Tano that she could be her new servant considering that the position was vacant with the Twi'lek's death.



