Unidentified Theed Palace librarian

A librarian was employed at a library within the Theed Royal Palace on Naboo during the Galactic Civil War, sometime after the Battle of Yavin. When a spacer visited the library during that time, the librarian offered to play a trivia game with them, which the spacer readily accepted. The librarian asked the spacer a multitude of questions, such as what single center of mass do both Talus and Tralus orbit around, and who formed the Brotherhood of the Sith, among many others. The spacer answered all questions correctly. The librarian, impressed, applauded the spacer's knowledge of the galaxy and gave the spacer a badge. The librarian welcomed the spacer to return later, remarking that they might have new questions to ask them.

The "trivial librarian," as they were commonly referred to as in-game, was featured in the 2003 massively-multiplayer online role-playing game Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided. The librarian was added to the game with the release of the "Publish 6," on February 11, 2004. The librarian's species and gender, like many non-playable characters in the game, changed every time the game's servers were restarted.

Behind the scenes

Every possible depiction of the librarian

Every possible depiction of the librarian

The "trivial librarian," as they were commonly referred to as in-game, was featured in the 2003 massively-multiplayer online role-playing game Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided. The librarian was added to the game with the release of the "Publish 6," on February 11, 2004. The librarian's species and gender, like many non-playable characters in the game, changed every time the game's servers were restarted.



